Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"Behavioral Views of Learning"

Behaviorist views of learning focus on two types of theories; classical conditioning and operant conditioning. The difference between classical and operant conditioning is that classical conditioning focuses on "learning through association" (Moreno, 157). Where operant conditioning, focuses on "the study of how animals learn to operate on their environments" (Moreno, 163). 
Classical conditioning refers to "the pairing of automatic responses to the new stimulus" (Moreno, 157). For example, when a teacher gives a test or a pop-quiz that is considered the stimulus, however the automatic response for some students could be having anxiety over the new stimulus. Some teachers believe that giving pop-quizzes help promote studying, they believe it is a good way to know exactly what the students have learned or what they remember, However, if a teacher wants good results on a pop-quiz they should let the students know about the quiz in the beginning of class. By not telling students about quizzes whether they are scheduled or not it can cause anxiety for students, which can lead them to do worse on the test.
Behaviorists also believe it is important to reward students in order for them to learn and behave, it will help them pay attention more and it will get them more involved in the class. By rewarding students, it shows that as a teacher you care for their input and it shows that you want to see them succeed. 

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