Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Journal Activities

In the beginning of every chapter throughout Moreno’s book, there are journal activities. The activities ask you to answer the questions before reading the chapter based on your prior knowledge to the subject. Listed below are the chapter lists:
Chapter 1: "Educational Psychology: Becoming an Effective Classroom Teacher"
Chapter 2: "Understanding Diversity in the Classroom"
Chapter 3: "Cognitive and Language Development"
Chapter 4: "Personal, Social and Moral Development"
Chapter 5: "Behavioral Views of Learning"
Chapter 6: "Cognitive Views of Learning"
Chapter 7: "Complex Cognitive Processes"
Chapter 8: "Sociocognitive and Constructivist Views of Learning"
Chapter 9: "Theories of Motivation and Affect"
Chapter 10: "Motivation and Affect in the Classroom"
Chapter 12: "Assessment in the Classroom"
Chapter 13: "Assessing Learning through Standardized Testing"

Each of my blogs are biased off of the journal activity questions asked in each chapter. These chapters have been covered in my Psychology of Education class, that I am taking this semester. Sometimes the questions that I was asked to answer will be stated and other times my answers will just appear. Throughout my blog however, I have answered every question from the journal activities. Enjoy!

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