Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Self-regulation, Expectations and Cooperation

  • Self-regulation is having control over one’s learning. It can be used in the classroom to help a student set goals and then to help them make sure their goals are met. According to Moreno, “self-regulation in the classroom is used to both increase learning and to equip students with tools to educate themselves throughout their lives” (Moreno, 293). If students have control over their learning then they can push themselves to their limits and more, they can achieve more in their studies.
  • Students’ beliefs and/or expectations can also affect their learning. I think it can get in the way of letting new ideas enter their minds. Some beliefs can stop a student from having an open mind which can make them rebel on a certain topic. Teachers should respect the students’ way of thinking and try to find new ways around it. A teacher should never force the topic onto the student but students should come with an open mind to class.
  • Having cooperation in the classroom is very important, I think it can be helpful to all students. It is important that every student has that skill of working with others because it is a skill that they can use outside of the classroom. I also think it could benefit students in the classroom because it can let the students focus more on parts of the lesson that they might not understand, it will also help them become more accepting towards their classmates. 

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